Thursday, June 17, 2010

Birthday Gift for Puput

This past few days I've been working on another birthday gift for one of my daughter's BFFs. Her name is Putri Nareswari a.k.a Puput. Her birthday is on June 20. Since I have made several framed cross stitch, this time I'd like to make something different.

So I searched on my "library" and found this lovely pattern.

It's from July 2005 edition of Cross Stitch Collection Magazine. It was designed by Maria Diaz for kitchen set. So I began to stitch the lid cover. I was thinking of using this lid cover for a jam pot filled with candies.

I washed the used jam pot and bought a bag of candies. Fortunately I had almost all colors of thread needed. Only the 746 DMC (cream) that I didn't have in stock. So I switched it with the 3823 thread. I used a local fabric instead of Aida since the local one was a lot flexible to be tied (I thought..). Unfortunately I can't find a proper ribbon for the fabric edge. So I used the available red ribbons that sold at a small shop nearby my office.

And this is how the stitches ends in the candy jar lid.

I used a strawberry charm next to the tag to make it prettier... :-)

But I was thinking that the fabric is way too wide for the jar, so we couldn't see what inside it clearly.... :-(


  1. hi Ristinia keren lho blognya bravo bravo,tolongin aq Ris, aq pengen blog ku link dg blog mu so org2 yang liat blogku bisa langsung liat blogmu dari tempatku soalnya aku juga sering banget liat blogmu. Ops what a brilian idea Ris bikin lid jar :) btw kamu suka gambar kristik atau merek apa Ris? aku sekarang nyimpen landscape Thomas Kinkade di halaman terakhir REQUESTA kbetulan ada yg request

  2. hi Linda, thanks udah mampir.
    utk nge-link, ada di dashboard, bagian design trus ke page lay out...
    bisa nambah link, picture, atau application lain yg disediain..

  3. ok thanks ntar kucoba, sekarang di blog ku ada row of love lagi and landscape by thomas kinkade, bisa dilihat di Requesta halaman terakhir
