There is one favorite pattern of mine. I stitched it several times, all of it are for birthday gift. This pattern has a curly girl hang on a hook. With a few modification, here are the results.
This one is for Aqilah, my daughter's best friend at kindergarten, her birthday is the same as mine... at 19th April. She is at the same elementary school that Tifa goes.
This one is made for Dita, my niece. Her birthday is 20th May and she has curly hair just like the girl on the pattern.
The last one is for Nadya, my best college friend's daughter, Yanti. Her bitrhday is at 8th September. And she also has those curly hair.
wah sekarang penampilan fotonya cantique serta background foto yang bervariasi sedap dipandang mata, dan susunan teks dengan penempatan gambarnya serasi keren...wish listnya parisian street ya...wah hebat euy di sela2 kesibukan masih menyempatkan waktu tuk hobi,btw aq sempet falling in love juga dengan parisian ini tapi ingat wip n wish list lainnya...jd buyar deh:)